
Monday, December 30, 2019

Serial Podcast Evaluation Essay - 1485 Words

Casey Laudadio Serial Multi ­Genre Research Project Essay Jay Wilds should be credited with the murder of Hae Min Lee. This is attributed to Jays testimony being everything that the State has on Adnan Syed, which, is a testimony that is saturated with inconsistencies and falsified information. This research project will examine Jay to the core by tapping into all the evidence found in this case as well as referencing viable news articles  ­ the argument that Mr. Wilds is responsible for the death of Hae Min Lee. The research project and its conclusion will analyze this murder ­mystery from a different angle, pinning Jay as the killer and Jenn as a co ­conspirator, and evaluating possible motives. I chose this topic for a number of†¦show more content†¦We don’t see much of Jay, rather, we hear quite a lot. What we are hearing from Jay is a mess of carefully plotted lies. As I have discovered, Jay is an incredible liar. This leads me to the first part of my theory. This is at the heart of things for me: Jay is a fabulous liar. He lies about little, inconsequential things. He lies about enormous, critical things. He lies the spectrum and all shades of the rainbow. Whats more, he lies about why he lies. And then he lies about why he lied about lying. He is an endurance, distance liar. He lies for attention, and he lies to divert attention . He lies with intent. He lies with purpose. He lies on cue. He lies for unfathomable reasons. He lies, and then he lies some more. Jay is a ceaseless liar. The way I can tell Jay is lying during his interview with The Intercept, is his constant change in past and present tense verbs. 2. Verb tense. Truthful people usually describe historical events in the past tense. Deceptive people sometimes refer to past events as if the events were occurring in the present. Describing past events using the present tense suggests that people are rehearsing the events in their mind. Investigators should pay particular attention to points in a narrative at which the speaker shifts to inappropriate present tense usage. We see this in even the first seven statements in Jay’s interview,Show MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesProcesses 550 Training and Development Programs 551 Types of Training 551 †¢ Training Methods 553 †¢ Evaluating Effectiveness 554 Performance Evaluation 554 What Is Performance? 555 †¢ Purposes of Performance Evaluation 555 †¢ What Do We Evaluate? 555 †¢ Who Should Do the Evaluating? 556 †¢ Methods of Performance Evaluation 558 †¢ Suggestions for Improving Performance Evaluations 560 †¢ Providing Performance Feedback 562 †¢ International Variations in Performance Appraisal 563 Managing Work–Life Conflicts in Organizations

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Children s Child Entitlement, Dependency...

Many parents always want a better life for their children than what they had. They always try to keep them as happy as can be and make sure the children have everything that they need and want. Most parents want to keep their children happy, and associating them with toys and the things that they want equates to happiness. Some children may deserve some of what is given to them, but other children may be given everything that they want. Busy parents, or parents who are not home a lot, feel that since they do not spend the time with their children that they must shower them in gifts. While although those things may be nice, the parents are potentially hurting their children in the long run. Spoiling children can lead to child entitlement,†¦show more content†¦This type of behavior leads to the idea of entitlement with children and teenagers. They already have it in their heads that they need this or want that, but as soon as the parents give in, they know that they can get a way with it. Amy McCready, who partners with â€Å"Kids R Kids† for the expert parenting advice series states that, the two biggest culprits for the entitlement epidemic are over indulging and pampering. The child or teen gets what they want and have no gratitude or appreciation towards their parents. At a young age, children automatically depend on their parents. When they are babies and toddlers, they cannot do the things to maintain themselves. When a child or teen is spoiled, they rely on their parents to help them out whenever they are in need. There are cases in which the parent loves the idea that the child needs them, and doesn’t give the child any type of responsibility. They do everything that the child asks or wants them to do just to keep them happy. This can lead to unmotivated children, since they know that their parents will do it themselves. Parents give their children a little money here and there, so now they believe that they do not need to work for it. In depend people, they cannot do anything on their own; they always require someone else to be there. Researchers Connie Dawson and David J. Bredehoft cite a study showing that young college students who were spoiled as children, tended to believe that being alone makes

Friday, December 13, 2019

Unix and Linux Comparison Matrix Free Essays

University of Phoenix Material Unix ® and Linux ® Comparison Matrix Directions: Choose three different versions of the UNIX ® or Linux ® operating systems to compare in the following matrix. Insert the three chosen versions and fill out the columns based on the components on the left-hand side of the matrix. |Components |Red Hat Enterprise Linux |SUSE Linux |Debian GNU/Linux | |Role of shell |Uses a Bash command shell. We will write a custom essay sample on Unix and Linux Comparison Matrix or any similar topic only for you Order Now This |Uses a variety of shells but the|Uses the Dash shell. This shell | | |shell uses scripts that make use|most standard is the Bourne |executes faster than Bash and | | |of small utility programs. |Shell. An upgraded shell |contains a need for fewer | | | |commonly used is the GNU |libraries to process these | | | |Bourne-Again Shell (BASH). This |commands and is more reliable as| | | |shell supports features of other|to applying upgrades and | | | |shells and works well with |reboots. | | | |beginners. | | |Three features and roles of each|Enhancement to PCI-e 3. 0 and USB|GNOME desktop function which |APT package management system. | |feature |3. . This allows for |gives the look and feel of SUSE |This package management system | | |manufacturers of system |Linux a better mirage of beauty |promotes high quality release of| | |development to provide new I/O |and functionality. This feature |packages as well as easy | | |devices more quickly. |uses a slab rather than menu |upgrading and automated install | | |SGI UV 1000 provides an |bars. or deletion of packages. | | |increased scalability in x86-64 |YaST Control Center. This |Debian Live is a version that | | |systems which will give |administration program handles a|can be uploaded and booted from | | |customers a performance of 1280 |variety of things such as system| removable media such as USB’s or| | |cores and 8TB memory. setup, hard disk partitioning, |disks. This system also contains| | |A new virtualization will allow |updates, network and firewall |some of the same features as | | |for a better performance by |configuration, and others in an |SUSE Linux. | | |giving the customer a better use|integrated interface. This |NAS support allows for Debian to| | |of hardware. |allows for more power of |support many software programs | | | |manipulation and |with added support as well as | | | |personalization. |easy implementation. | | | |A Build Service. The Build | | | | |Service will give users the | | | | |ability to develop, compile, | | | | |release, and publish their own | | | | |software for distributions | | | | |including that of major use. It | | | | |makes packaging simpler allowing| | | | |for multiple dispersing. | | |Comments on security |This distribution of Linux has a|SUSE Linux also uses a PAM |Security is handled through | | |strong security. The current |security enhancement and |public disclosure making it a | | |security use is PAM or pluggable|requires a long process for |viable product if not updated | | |authentication modules. |login. There are many module |and commonly overseen. There is | | |Authentication is thoroughly |checks required and an |an audit team that continually | | |integrated into the operating |authentication process is |reviews an archive looking for | | |system. The access controls are |required. There is a requisite |possible threats and fixes. | |based on experience of long |feature that will halt process |There are optional security | | |duration among UNIX development |if a failure is found known. |packages available but need | | |communities. Security is well |These are great features yet |purchasing. The extra security | | |oriented in this distribution |time consuming when wanting |does greatly increase security | | |allowing easy modifications |access but all the same safe. A |performanc e but is not what | | |without damaging effects. strong password is still |would be expected by all that | | | |required to prevent any leaks. |rely on it. | |Comments on administration |To administer this distribution |The administrator account is the|This administration form also | | |of Linux the administrator must |root. This account has all |uses a root account. There are | | |have a strong knowledge of many |rights of found goods on Linux |several system management tools | | |utility programs. The |server without restrictions and |available via the web. These | | |administrator must also have a |requires password strength |tools will help the | | |familiarity with per1 and python|because of power of access. Care|administrator to fulfill their | | |scripting language. There is |and consideration should be |needs and accomplishments. The | | |continuous monitoring of the |taken by the administrator as |administrator of a Debian Linux | | |system capacity and large |the environment can be very |system should also have | | |amounts of resources available. susceptible to malicious |knowledge in use of password | | | |scripts, programs, and code. |management and authentication of| | | |Administrator has much power. |programs and software. | |Comments on networking |Red Hat Network is a great form |SUSE Linux has a large |Debian Linux is a very flexible | | |of networking for this |flexibility allowing for |system when networking is | | |distribution of Linux. This |streamlined management filing |concerned. The use of TCP/IP and| | |network ability gives the user |networks as well as support |or proxy servers as well as | | |the ability to fulfill duties |options for data tiering |private addresses is just some | | |remotely. The networking |capabilities and a platform |of the networking possibilities | | |potential with this distribution|client support. Partnering with |when accessing a network for | | |is very well developed. |windows has opened the door to |communication and application | | | |new realms as well. |needs. The networking potential | | | | |of this distribution of Linux is| | | | |similar to all others as they | | | | |are based off of two main forms | | | | |of UNIX. The networking | | | | |abilities have good reviews and | | | |are said to work quickly and | | | | |efficiently. | |Comments on performance |Performance has increased with a|Performance is mixed due to |Many claim that Debian Linux is | | |new version available. The RHEL |individual preference. Many |the best integrated OS | | |v2. 6. 32 has more storage options|claim that the operating system |available. The programs within | | |and a new Linux kernel. There |runs too slow and is frustrating|this OS are individually | | |are more cores and 64TB memory. |when trying to fulfill commands. maintained by individual | | |Support is still a great |The claim that windows runs |programmers. The ability to | | |additive to the Linux system and|faster is a constant. Others say|change and manipulate the | | |will give this distribut ion an A|that it is everything expected |programs are at ones fingertips. | | |in achievement. |and more with increased |The performance is efficient and| | | |functions and durability. |well documented. Support is not | | | | |as strong as some but has enough| | | | |strength to continue to fulfill | | | | |necessities. | |Comments on programmability |The programmability is customer |Programmability of this form of |The programmability of Debian | | |based allowing for customers to |distribution is a very well |Linux systems are at the mercy | | |modify to their needs and confer|organized. SUSE Linux has many |of the user or administrator. | |with partners to increase |options for programming allowing|The availability of libraries | | |performance. The latest software|the user availability to open |and source code are in abundant | | |upgrades will be available to |source as well as the option for|quantities. This allows for | | |customers and a 10 year support |personalized creation and |owners to personalize the OS to | | |package is offered. Customers |development of their own |their needs and likes. This | | |will also be able to have access|software. creates a great function fo r all| | |to a large library of open | |that use Debian Linux. | | |source code as needed decreasing| | | | |costs. | | | |Other |Overall, this distribution of |After research, I would agree |After reading and understanding | | |Linux seems to be a great form |that this form of Linux is well |the uses and abilities of each | | |of OS and system enhancement. rounded and provides an age |of these distributions, I find | | |The advantages and support as |founded version as it is one of |this version to be the best in | | |well as the security make it a |the first. Yet this distribution|all areas but security. This | | |fair choice. |doesn’t match the expectations |distribution tends to appeal to | | | |of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. |many and gives the users that | | | | |currently use it a satisfactory | | | | |grade. | How to cite Unix and Linux Comparison Matrix, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Unexpected Day free essay sample

What would be your feeling If you plan something and all what you planned for turns Into something unexpected? Of course you will feel disappointed and you might regret it as well. This is what happened to me exactly. It was a perfect plan! I rushed into my room after the good news I heard of going to spend a day on the beach with my family. Wow! How marvelous this day will be, I told myself. I lay on the bed imagining the cold breeze of the fresh salt water tackling my nose.I dreamt of the picture of the clear bluish water touching my feet the moment I step into. Then I loved the idea of tanning my body from the red and olden rays of the sun. Everything was totally perfect! I was riding in the car waiting for this moment to reach there as a small child waiting eagerly to get a toy from her parents. We will write a custom essay sample on Unexpected Day or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page What else could be splendid than this! When we reached there, I couldnt hear my mom yelling at me to help her In taking the things out of the car.All I wanted is to see my buddy, the beach. The waters I grabbed the chair and lay in front of this pure amazing water, no noise, no sounds, emptiness everywhere. Time passed quickly without realizing the disaster. Suddenly, I woke up from my daydreaming, when the smell of fresh water separated from the terrible smell of dust and smoke as if you are inside a fuel factory, everything you smell is pure smoke. What happened? I asked myself. My mom was screaming and running to pack the things quickly.People on the beach were running everywhere trying to find a shelter. I finally realized the truth. A storm! Oh my god! The sky suddenly became Invisible. All you could see are grey layers of dust. My eyes, my nose, were blocked. I couldnt breathe. I ran Into the car with my family finding a way to escape. After some uneasy moments of fear and cries, we saw our way through main road. My heart pumped nervously. My tears touched my cheeks heavily. I couldnt see anyone or hear any sound except my heart and my eyes.Why everything turned upside down? My dream of lying on the beach enjoying the beautiful view of the clear water and the wonderful sunset vanished! I rushed into my room crying and hiding my face Into my precious pillow. My mom followed me and tried to calm me down. Dont worry baby, well repeat it again. It Is our mistake that we didnt check the weather forecast, but next time, we wouldnt miss that. Well, It was an unexpected, unforgettable day to me that made me grab my diary and write down what happened on that day.